Home Shaykh Nooruddeen Durkee (English) Eid e Miladun-Nabi: (English) 1433 A.H. / 1/29 2012 A.D.

Eid e Miladun-Nabi: (English) 1433 A.H. / 1/29 2012 A.D.


Shaykh Nooruddeen Durkee speaks about the permissibility of the mawlid and the nature of the Prophet alayhi-s-salatal salaam wa ali at the zawiya of the Green Mountain School for the Tranquality of Being and the Illumination of Hearts in Charlottesville Virginia.For more information please visit http://wp.greenmountainschool.org/events/mawlid-2/mawlid-2012/

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